The desire to create VIAGUINIGI
VIAGUINIGI arises from the desire to create a line in which all age groups could find the right
glasses, both from the aesthetic point of view and from the technical point of view.
The primary idea is to satisfy anyone who comes into the store to buy a glasses. Each person has different needs and tastes and with VIAGUINIGI we want to help each person to find the eye-wear suitable for their needs. We want to see smiling people who can find a glasses that face completely to their case and with which they always feel at ease in every situation.
In the forms, colors and materials of VIAGUINIGI always prevails the Italian tendency and for this reason the whole collection is material of
daily sale.
We often seek happiness as we seek glasses, when we have them on the nose.
The meaning of the word VIAGUINIGI
The name of the brand VIAGUINIGI was born as an act of love towards Lucca, the city where the idea of looking for this line was born, the town in which it has the Ingrovision headquarters.
The Guinigi family has been one of the most important and representative of this city already in the Sixteenth century.
Via Guinigi is still one of the main streets of Lucca and the Guinigi Tower, made of stones and bricks, whose main characteristic is that of having some Holm Oaks on its summit, is one of its main tourist attractions of the city.
This link between the Brand and the city is very significant and a source of Corporate pride.
Life is fascinating: just look at it through the right glasses.
The concept of the brand
The features
VIAGUINIGI stems from a constant collaboration between aesthetics and technique.
A brand with which the optician can satisfy several requests. Classic, trendy and technical models; colored models and different materials such as metal, titanium, slabs, tr90 and many others.
The controls
Every idea of the model, before putting into production, goes from a very accurate control of our laboratory, which evaluates the quality of the material and the suitability of assembly, to guarantee always the maximum reliability and the maximum comfort.
The target
The target of VIAGUINIGI is the customer who wants the quality, the maximum comfort and the right model at a fair price without compromises.

Our network of agents is present throughout Italy ready for your every need.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.